Great Theme Songs Fans Will (Likely) Never Hear Again On WWE TV

Many of the current WWE theme songs are flat and forgettable, lacking the level of connection that fans want. This is why many don’t get the huge reactions to songs from the past. When legends such as The Rock or Mick Foley return, there’s instant pop, and that’s because of how iconic the entrance music is.


10 WWE Entrance Themes That Were Better Than The Wrestler

A great entrance theme song can take a WWE wrestler to the next level. However, a great theme song can be even better than the wrestler sometimes.

However, there are plenty of fantastic songs that audiences love hearing that they are unlikely to ever experience again. This is due to a variety of reasons, but these are songs that people will have to dig out on old events via Netflix if they want to hear one more time.

The Shield

Fans Miss The Hounds Of Justice

The Shield WWE

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

Special Op

Jim Johnston

Jon Moxley May Never Return To WWE

Sometimes theme songs can be incredibly simple but effective, and that’s certainly the case with The Shield’s iconic theme. WIth minimal lyrics, this one is all about the music which is very repetitive, but impactful at the same time.

Audiences loved listening to this song and seeing the trio make their way to the ring via the WWE Universe. However, Jon Moxley works for AEW and may never return to WWE, which would make a Shield reunion unlikely.

Randy Orton

His Old Theme Song Is Unlikely To Return

WWE Randy Orton

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

Burn In My Light

Mercy Drive

He Will Continue Using “Voices”

Randy Orton has had several great WWE theme songs, including some that have been via factions he has had history with. One that fans always miss is “Burn in my Light,” which was a tune Orton had for many years and was enjoyed by fans.


10 Youngest Elimination Chamber Participants In WWE History, Ranked By Age

The Elimination Chamber is one of WWE’s most brutal matches, and it has allowed younger wrestlers to make an impact inside the dangerous structure.

However, WWE switched things up when he took on the “Voices” song, and because that has been just as popular there is no reason to ever bring his old song back. Therefore, this is one that just has to live in the memories.

Jeff Hardy

He May Never Be A Singles Star In WWE Again

Jeff-Hardy-Entrance Cropped

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

No More Words


He Will Use The Hardy Boyz Theme

Jeff Hardy’s “No More Words” theme song is an incredible one that fans have always loved, with this being a song that truly got people pumped. The vocals were great while the music was catchy, with this being a song that has always stuck in the minds of fans.

However, Hardy currently works for TNA and while a WWE return could happen, it’ll likely be alongside his brother. Even if he returned as a singles star he would probably keep the Hardy Boyz theme song at this point, as he did during his last singles run with the company.


He’s Publicly Asked For This Song To Return

Sheamus Raw January 13, 2025 Cropped

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

Written In My Face

Jim Johnston

WWE Refuses To Bring It Back

Sometimes WWE changes a theme song and it’s positive, but other times it ends up being negative and that was the case for Sheamus. His older song is one that people loved and have actively requested that WWE brings back, but despite the fanfare it hasn’t happened.

Sheamus himself has publicly asked for this song to be brought back, and the fact that hasn’t made a difference is a sign that people are stuck with his current WWE theme.

Brock Lesnar

He May Never Appear In WWE Again

Brock Lesnar Entrance Cropped

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

Next Big Thing

Jim Johnston

The Janel Grant Lawsuit

Brock Lesnar’s theme song wasn’t a detailed one, but just from the opening guitar riffs everyone knew who was coming out and that it was time for a major fight to take place. That’s what made it such an epic song and one that fans loved and is why WWE never altered it once it was released.


10 Times Brock Lesnar Lost Cleanly In WWE That Fans Forgot About

Brock Lesnar rarely lost in WWE, which made his clean losses memorable. However, many people have actually forgotten some of Lesnar’s clean losses.

Lesnar’s career is in limbo at the moment after being named in the Janel Grant Lawsuit, and until that is concluded it’s unlikely the Beast Incarnate will be brought back to WWE, even though the lawsuit wasn’t about him specifically.

Shane McMahon

Audiences Loved Dancing To This

shane mcmahon with money falling around him

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

Here Comes The Money

Jim Johnston

No Longer Works For WWE

Shane McMahon’s WWE theme song might be a cheesy one, but it’s something that left fans smiling and always worked for his character. The lyrics were memorable and McMahon’s dance only helped to make this entrance theme even more epic.

However, the way he departed WWE the last time wasn’t on god terms and due to the situation involving the McMahon family it’s unlikely he will return. He recently spoke to AEW about working for them, which is a sure fire sign that this song is being put in the past.


He’s Retired From Professional Wrestling

Batista entrance Cropped

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

I Walk Alone


He’s Focusing On Hollywood

Batista boass one of the greatest WWE theme songs of all time, with this being an epic track that would get fans pumped whenever he appeared. There was a genuine roar to this track that people bought into, and it was impossible not to feel like a big match was about to happen after listening to it.

However, at this stage in his life Batista appears to be done with wrestling. He has retired from in-ring competition and he’s not a legend that the company brings in for one-off moments as he focuses on his acting career.

Chris Jericho

A Potential WWE Return Could Still Feature “Judas”

Chris Jericho WWE WrestleMania 32

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

Break The Walls Down

Anthony Martini/Jim Johnston

He Is Loyal To AEW

Chris Jericho has been blessed to have two iconic theme songs throughout his career that fans loved listening to, with the first being “Break the Walls Down” in WWE. Audiences always enjoyed hearing this with the 10 second countdown building the anticipation among audiences.

However, in AEW he uses “Judas,” which was created by his own band and it’s arguably even better. Fans sing the words and it has led to ome special moments. It means that if Jericho did opt to return to WWE, he could end up keeping his AEW theme.


Audiences Would Love Singing His Theme

Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It


Alter Bridge

He Will Retire In AEW

Sometimes using music that is a legitimate song can be risky as it doesn’t always feel like it suits the wrestler as they’re not normally made for them. However, in the case of Edge’s theme it absolutely works as having an iconic rock song such as this suited the Rated-R Superstar persona.


10 WWE Stars That Desperately Need New Theme Songs In 2025

The presentation of these WWE stars could be improved in 2025 if they get a better theme song.

Fans loved the song and during his final run in WWE they would sing the entire thing which created an electric atmosphere that felt like a rock concert. However, he’s now in AEW and is set to retire there, meaning WWE won’t be graced with this song again.

Vince McMahon

It’s Unlikely He Will Ever Be On Television Again


Song Title


Reason Fans Won’t Hear It

No Chance In Hell

Peter Bursuker/Jim Johnston

The Janel Grant Lawsuit

Vince McMahon was a legendary figure on and off screen in WWE, and a big part of his character was the over-the-top entrance he’d make. The former WWE Chairman would strut to the ring with authority, and his theme song played a huge part in adding to that.

It was a song that fans would scream at the top of their lungs because it was memorable and suited his character. Despite his connection to the company that he used to own, it’s unlikely he will ever appear on television again due to issues in his personal life, so this is a song fans won’t hear.

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